555 I Am Presence Light Code Activation
The Universal  Heart of God I Am
Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation

Two Hour Zoom Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek

$33(Approximately €29.50/£27.00/R550)

555 I Am Presence Light Code Activation - The Universal Heart of God I Am

Beloved hearts, join us in this 555 I Am Presence Light Code Activation – The Universal Heart of God I Am,  as we expand into our Universal Heart and Zero Point multidimensionally through the Overlighting and embodiment of our Beloved I Am Presence, and the Company of Heaven.

As we connect through the Stargate of our Loving Heart, we are invited to experience the Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation. With our heart’s wide open, our Universal Heart expresses in deepening levels of our Divinity in Soul embodiment, Consciousness expansion, and the transformation into our fifth dimensional Solar Crystalline Light Bodies, as we deepen into Zero Point, the infinite, eternal, ever-present Now moment.

Zero Point is the infinite Light of our Mother/Father God that is contained within all living things. Love is our radiating and unifying force spiraling ever upwards that connects us to this central point of Oneness, that which we call Zero Point, the Unified Heart of our Universe, which expresses through the sacred geometry of the Vesica Pisces, and the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom.

It is the further the Toroidal Field of the Heart beloved hearts that takes us into Zero Point.  At the very core of the Torus the Vesica Pisces further expresses, a point of supreme balance and stillness, Zero Point. We refer to this too as the Silence within, and the Stillness of the Loving Heart.

In the Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation, with the Overlighting of our Beloved I Am Presence and the Galactics, we receive an influx of Christed, Photonic and Plasma Light focused through the Geometric Template of the Flower of Life and Vesica Pisces into particular activation points along the body, assisting us to expand beyond the old and transcend all karmic experiences no longer needing to be experienced. With this, we restore our cellular memories to Crystalline Consciousness through our Universal Heart, as we remember fully that we are our Beloved I Am Presence, living from a state of Oneness and Divine Love.

The lack of Photonic Light within our bodies beloved hearts, is what causes our dis-ease and dis-comfort. Living multidimensionally, our bodies fill with Photonic Light and Photonic air bubbles, which is essentially our Soul Essence, as we embody our Higher Light and activate our Light Bodies. We are essentially infusions of Photonic, Plasma, Crystalline/Christ Light, experiencing our Universe in Cosmic oscillating frequencies of sacred geometry, sound, color and Quantum Consciousness.

Plasma permeates the entire solar system, as well as the Universe. As we shift into embodying higher energetic frequencies through alignment to the Divine, our physical bodies transform in this process of rejuvenation and regeneration, and we are able to conduct plasma light, and change the atomic structure of our bodies from carbon into the less dense compound of silicate, and from here to crystalline consciousness. Essentially, the plasma upgrades enable our physical body to expand the Plasma Light frequencies from within, to access the higher dimensional realms and higher states of consciousness.

In this Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation we start by activating the Stargate of our Loving Hearts by visualizing the Golden Sun and Flower of Life within our Loving Hearts. The Golden Sun represents Source Light, and the Flower of Life represents the building blocks of life and the fundamental aspects of space and time through which we expand into Zero Point.

As we expand our Loving Hearts and deepen into Zero Point, the Galactics come forward, in particular, the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Arcturian Emissaries of the Light and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. Utilizing the Geometric Template of Zero Point, we experience the Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation working with 12 New Earth Frequencies that activate at specific points along the body. At each point the Galactics activate the Zero Point Geometric Template of the Flower of Life and Vesica Pisces as a mini vortex, as we breathe in, hold the breath, and breathe out, with each pause of the breath taking us ever deeper into Zero Point, and amplified with beautiful Invocations.

These 12 Universal Heart Zero Point New Earth Frequencies Are:

Self-Worth – These activation points are found on the left and right side of the body just below the collar bone, and assist us in the recognition of our Divinity, and worthiness, whilst releasing lack of worthiness issues from within the body.

Integration – This activation point is found centrally along the body around the thymus area, assisting in the collapsing and dissolving of the old, and bringing online higher perspectives and new levels of integration and stabilization.

Transformation - These activation points are chest level along the left and right side of the body, taking us through the continuous death and rebirth cycles, and the ability to embrace all that arises through the alchemical fire of transformation, the Atomic/Christ Light.

Divine Love -  This activation point is found centrally along the body at the heart chakra area, assisting us to expand the Universal Heart of Love, with Self-Love, Love for one another, and caring and sharing and simply being the highest versions of ourselves we can be in each Now moment.

Divine Service -  These activation points are found to the left and right side of the diaphragm, assisting us to create and accomplish from the Higher Realms as we dream into our reality all we need to express the Universal Heart of Love in each Now.

Merging Timelines -  This activation point is found centrally along the body just above the solar plexus chakra area, offering us the opportunity to merge into the highest timelines available whilst expanding beyond the lower timelines and programming, and additionally offering us the power to change the dreams we live in.

Letting Go - These activation points are found on the left and right side of the belly button.  Letting go takes us out of the ego struggle and perceived separation into a deep sense of trust and surrender to our Universe. As we listen to the guidance of our Universe, we release and let go of karmic patterns, blame and judgment as we expand beyond old Earth and into New Earth.

Divine Flow  - This activation point is found centrally along the body around the Tan Tien area (below the belly button). It takes us into an organic Christed Flow, with deep respect for all, through our actions, behaviors and experiences to present a deepening grace, and ease, trust and surrender and flow of abundance in each Now moment.

Going Within – This activation point is found centrally along the body just below the sacral chakra, assisting us to go deep within in the knowing that our entire Universe and all we create starts from the inner reality. It is from within that we experience the shifts and upgrades, assisting us to expand through the DNA activations, as we deepen into our Divinity as the Light of God We Are.

Alignment - This activation point is found centrally along the body just below the Pubic Bone area, assisting us to expand into the frequencies where all is Soul Aligned through our choices and Consciousness and the Overlighting of our Beloved I Am Presence.

Soul Embodiment -  These activation points are found along the back of the body, to the left and right side of the heart chakra which assist in the embodiment of the Christ Child, the Innocence and Purity within, whilst expanding the frequencies of the fifth dimensional Solar Crystalline Light Body.

Observational Awareness – These activation points are found on the left and right side of the body around the waist area, assisting us as the Witnessing Presence of our Beloved I Am to expand our Consciousness/Awareness through the observation of subconsciousness programming as well as the Self Awareness to Master all through the Universal Heart of Love.

Lastly, we create the Toroidal Field around our bodies and energy fields. The Toroidal Field is created through two counter-rotating or oscillating forces of energy which opens and expands the Portal of our Loving Hearts to Zero Point, and Divine Love, and at the center of this is to be found the Visica Pisces.

We then experience the Universal Heart Toroidal Field breath. This is a five-step powerful Toroidal breath utilizing the energy of the Flower of Life and Vesica Pisces as it extends from the base chakra to the Crown Chakra and takes us ever deeper into the Stillness of our Loving Heart’s as the The Universal Heart of God We Are.

This beautiful Universal Heart Zero Point Galactic Activation  further assists us to experience Quantum Consciousness where all slows down and linear time ceases to exist.

Join us beloved hearts as the Universal Heart of God We Are as we deepen into Zero Point, where all is Love and Love is All There Is. 

Video and audio recordings, with and without background music are available.





The Andara Crystals call us when we are ready. Each one holds a different multidimensional frequency and facet of Unity Consciousness. Some are Gatekeepers or Grid Keepers or Healing Beings, some assist in Galactic and/or Quantum Field Communication and yet others assist with Body Work, Chakra Clearing, Rebalancing or Healing and all amplify the qualities of New Earth from within.

The  Pink Gold Andara work with expanding the Loving Heart and deepening into Self Love and Self Nurturing. 

Each Andara Crystal or Andara Pendant you receive is lovingly chosen for you and has been activated through natural sunlight and essential oil blends as well as being programmed through the Overlighting of many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

We further have a beautiful Andara Essence range. 







About Anrita Melchizedek

New Earth Guide, Soul Reader, Intuitive Apothecarist,  Light Weaver, Visionary, Wayshower, Gate Keeper, Grid Keeper, and Andara Custodian.

As an Ascension Guide, Anrita draws upon the Light Codes of Highest Potentiality from within as well through the New Earth Templates in the form of sacred geometry, sound, color, and frequency, and transmits and shares these frequency codes through her Light work. Her primary gift is assisting the Light Tribe to weave their codes of potentiality and Soul expansion into their greatest expression of Service in Love through reading the collective blueprints of the I Am Avatar Consciousness, the Higher Selves of all awakened Souls.

Her greatest joy is to be of service to all.

What others have to say about Anrita & the Andaras

“Love, Love my Andara Crystal Pendant, thank you so much my darling Anrita. My son also loves the Light Codes of his incredible Andara Crystal Pendant, which is currently changing color and energy to match his vibration. So powerful and amazing. We can really feel the energies. Thank you Anrita. So grateful for you.” 

Adie S

Dearest Anrita,

Just wanted to get in touch to thank you and to saying that I am really enjoying the energy of my new pendent!

Since receiving the pendant, I now feel a deeper sense of connection with my own love and joy which I am loving.

I have also felt more confident in my spiritual work which is an additional blessing.

This experience has definitely converted me to an appreciation of Andara crystals too.

Thanks again.

Very Best Wishes


Jonathan H

“Thank you so much for my beautiful Andara Crystals dear Anrita. They are on my altar. It is amazing. It is like the Andara Crystals have always been there, balancing the energy of my Angel crystals. It is absolutely stunning. They are bringing up for me what I am still needing to clear. I am just allowing these old beliefs to surface and dissolve as the new presents. I am so incredibly grateful.”

Liesl N

Hi Anrita,

I received my beautiful Andara’s just after Christmas. 

Thank you for the additional blue/clear one. That was so very intuitive of you. 

The green Andara really got my attention. 

I love them.

Thank you.


Lisa J

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Payment Gateway?

At this time we use PayPal, which also offers an option for credit card payments for some countries should you not have a PayPal account.

We do offer our Masterclasses on donation too and this can be requested via email to info@voicesofthelighttribe.com

Your payment will show from Anrita Melchizedek.



How do I access the Masterclass?

Our Masterclass is held live on Zoom and on signup, you will receive a zoom  link to join us.

You will be directed to the Voices of the Light Tribe aMember Pro sign up at https://voicesofthelighttribe.com/amember/login

You will receive a second email within 24 hours with your recording link.

Your recording is both video and audio, with and without background music.

All links are automated so please check yor spam folder if you do not recieve a link for the event or recording.

How do I receive my Masterclass recording if I cannot attend Live?

You will receive a download link within 24 hours of the Masterclass.

This will allow you to view online or download the video and/or audio recording.

All links are automated so please check yor spam folder if you do not recieve a link for the evenr or recording.

How long does it take to ship my Andara Crystal/Pendant?

Usually orders go out every couple of weeks, and should be received within 3-5 weeks.

Do I pay extra for shipping?

Courier is $44 for Andara shipping, although some orders include shipping. This is the fastest option though.

Is there a tracking number?

Yes,however due to high volumes we will not email you the tracking number and for the most part you will not need it. If after one month you have not received your Crystals, email us at info@voicesofthelighttribe.com and we will find your tracking parcel numnber.

Is there any special attention I need to give my Andara Crystal?

Yes, absolutely. We have worked with your Andara Crystal/Pendant to activate it. To maintain this frequency, you do need to understand it is a "light being" and loves water for cleansing, sunlight for charging, and nights lights.

Mostly though, keep it with you, chat to it, caress it, sleep with it and work with it. You will notice changes within a couple of weeks as it communicates with you and you start to receive the light codes as they are activated from within.


 Join our Mailing List and receive 12 beautiful Sacred Geometry Templates to charge your Andaras and other Crystals, water and food plus a beautiful Invocation using the Andara frequencies

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